• Anti wrinkle injections at the
    KLR aesthetics clinic in

    Anti wrinkle injections at the KLR aesthetics clinic in Liverpool

    Anti Wrinkle Injections for patients across the UK.

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  • Anti wrinkle injections at the KLR aesthetics clinic in Liverpool

    Anti Wrinkle Injections for patients across the UK.

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anti wrinkle injections at our professional clinic in prescot, merseyside.

KLR Aesthetics is proud to provide a range of anti wrinkle treatments for patients across the UK.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a very popular, non-surgical treatment to get rid of those unwanted lines and give your skin a smoother, refreshed look. We use botulinum toxin to temporarily relax the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles, giving a youthful, fresher appearance. The procedure is quick with minimal discomfort.

You will be required to attend a consultation with one of our nurse prescribers to discuss your medical history, area(s) of concern and treatment suitability. We will then create a treatment plan individual to you and the results you’re hoping to achieve. There is an extensive range of treatments we can administer to help boost your confidence and give you the natural look you deserve.

Anti wrinkle injections at KLR aesthetics

Forehead Lines

With your eyebrows rising and falling over 100 times a day in surprise, shock and other emotions, it’s no surprise that lines appear on your forehead over time.

We don’t recommend a set age to begin having anti-wrinkle injections as we assess each patient individually. If you are starting to notice fine lines when the muscle is at rest, it may be time to consider an anti-wrinkle treatment before they become deep set.

Treatable Areas: Forehead

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Frown Lines

Frown lines are the vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows and often materialise through repeated frowning.

Procedure times for frown lines often only lasts around 15 minutes and results can last from three to four months.

Treatable Areas: The lines between your eyebrows

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are fine lines that develop around the corners of your eyes when you smile, squint and talk.

Our anti-wrinkle injections will help to relax the muscle and prevent these lines from forming, giving you a more youthful look.

Treatable Areas: Eyes

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Bunny Lines

If you have noticed lines on the sides of your nose, you may want to try our anti-wrinkle injections for bunny lines.

They often appear if you smile or scrunch your face tightly. Anti-wrinkle injections will help to relax the muscle and prevent lines from forming, giving you a more youthful look.

Treatable Areas: Nose

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Cobblestone Chin

A bumpy, uneven or dimpling of the skin around the chin area can occur due to certain facial expressions and tends to become more noticeable with age.

Anti-wrinkle injections can help smooth the texture of your skin, giving a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

Treatable Areas: Chin

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Perioral Lines

Perioral lines are fine wrinkles that form on the skin between the upper lip and the nose. They can be caused by lack of facial volume, skin firmness and smoking. Our treatment can help relieve these lines, giving you a smoother, fresher look. We may suggest a combination of anti-wrinkle injections and dermal filler to give you the best result.

Treatable Areas: Mouth

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Downturned Mouth Corners

As we age, the mouth can become downturned causing a sad appearance.

Antiwrinkle injections can help to raise the corners of the mouth, giving a more happy, youthful look. We may suggest a combination of anti-wrinkle injections and dermal filler to give you the best result.

Treatable Areas: Mouth

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is when the upper lip elevates too far above the teeth, exposing the gums resulting in a “gummy smile”. Anti-wrinkle injections can help to reduce the amount of gum visible when smiling, creating a more appealing and natural smile.

Treatable Areas: Mouth

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Eyebrow Lift

Through strategic injections of botulinum toxin, we can provide a lift or arch to your eyebrows that is often considered desirable.

Treatable Areas: Eyebrows

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 3 – 4 Months +

Common Side Effects: Redness, bruising

Jawline Slimming

Our jawline slimming treatment can transform your face shape from square to oval. It may also help with teeth grinding, jaw ache and headaches.

Using anti-wrinkle injections, we can relax and reduce the size of the masseter muscle. Results can take 6 weeks to see the full effect.

Treatable Areas: Jaw

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: Up to 6 months +

Common Side Effects: Bruising, Redness

Excessive Sweating

If you sweat a lot around your underarms or are embarrassed about sweat patches, this treatment may be for you.

We can administer botulinum toxin injections in to the armpits to help prevent the sweat glands from excessively sweating. It is a quick and effective treatment which can be life changing.

Contact us via social media or email to find out more about our anti-wrinkle treatments.

Treatable Areas: Underarms

Procedure Time: 15 Mins

Downtime: None

Lasts for: 6 months +

Common Side Effects: Bruising, Swelling, Redness

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